Sunday, June 3, 2012

Officially a Missionary

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~Matthew 28:19-20

            Today, I was commissioned for mission work, not once, but twice. Apparently, my true character shines through much clearer than I prefer and the church knew I needed some EXTRA prayers! However, I am glad we do not have 3 services at MCC because if I had to answer the questions one more time, I may have started to re-think my commitment…
            Of course, I am kidding, but I am not hesitant to admit that in the last few weeks, I have experienced a wide range of emotions. I cannot wait to be in Moose Factory and to be reunited with so many incredible people and children on the island, but while I am still here, I cannot help but continuously recognize how much I will miss my ordinary, normal, but amazing life here. What a blessing it has been to be reminded each day, as I remove one number from my mental countdown, that I truly love my life and am overjoyed by waking up to live each day right where the Lord has placed me.
            This morning, after each service, I answered the question, “When do you leave?” more times that I can recount, so I’m more than happy to answer it one more time. Lord-willing, I am leaving for Moose Factory in 15 days, aka June 18th!!! I will travel first to Toronto and meet up with my missionary counter-part, Alaina. Alaina is coming from Montreal and we will be spending the 6 weeks serving alongside one another. Yes, she is from Montreal, but no, do not expect me to return knowing any more of the French language than I do now. Actually, she may return home with a new appreciation for music in Spanish (my new playlist), or a stronger dislike of it! ;0) It will take 2.5 days of travel so we expect to be on the island by Wednesday, June 20th.  I will be using this blog to keep you informed, as often as possible, on how the Lord is working on the island through our various ministries and how you can be praying for the Cree people, as well as the two of us as we are sure to face some, if not frequent adversity.
            Although I feel this caution is unnecessary for those that speak with me on a regular basis and already know my love language is sarcasm, nevertheless, please know that I prefer using a great deal of wit in my writing, because let’s be real, there are plenty of entertaining readings online, and I will be spending 6 weeks on an island that is 3 miles long and 2 miles wide…. enough said :0)
            I will be ending each post with several specific prayer requests so that you know how to best pray for us. Please feel free to e-mail me any specific prayer requests from home so that I know how to best be praying for you. You are loved! <3
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” ~Romans 12:12

Please pray:

  • For the hearts of the children to be opened and willing to participate in our daily activities.
  • For diligence and steadfastness, as we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for our calling as missionaries.
  • For peace and strength, as we temporarily leave what is recognizable and comfortable to travel outside of our familiar lives.

1 comment:

  1. french VS spanish!!! who will win?!!
    THANK you for allowing the Lord's love to flow through every aspect of your life. your joy is contagious!
